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Old 2011-04-12, 03:56   Link #7
World's Greatest
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by Tsuyoshi View Post
I think much of it has to do with the fact that 40 or 50 years later, you still have the same superheroes in both marvel and DC comics. Manga has a lot more diversity in that each hero has his own story and when it comes to an end, the author tends to go on and make a whole new story with all new characters. The longest manga I know of is Hajime no Ippo, and that started in 1990. Manga plotlines are short-lived compared to comics which is what makes them easier to read and appreciate imho.
Interesting perspective. I don't agree though. I mean guys like Superman and Batman or the X-Men are loved immensely in the comic book realm and it's not like people have gotten bored with them. People like to see writers take spins on characters and people like to see how characters grow with the changing times and changing society. New characters are introduced all the time, it's just that none of them really take off because they don't have a history like Batman and Superman when comic books were actually read more often compared to now and days. There are just too many other distractions for people to take notice. Unless it gets made into a film or a popular cartoon people aren't going to know because no one really reads comic books anymore.

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