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Old 2011-04-14, 11:54   Link #1139
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Originally Posted by Father Hentai View Post
One question. If the creators or the seiyuus make a statement they are different of our opinion should this not give us a reason to rethink an opinion? Why disagreeing vehement although they are the person most closest to the characters? I would see this as an oppurtunity to reevaluate a made opinion without losing his face in the forums.
With the seiyuus, I don't see really see it. From listening to the audio commentary it seems pretty clear that they view the characters from a fan perspective. They do not offer greater insights into them than a character analysis done by an observer and sometimes even less.

As for the writers, here the question becomes why they view some characters so differently then us ( or I ) do. That'd be in the case of Alto. In the case of Ranka, I never saw any conclusive statements by Yoshino or Kawamori on how successfull they viewed her as a character or if they intended her downfall in the latter episodes or why they let her fall.
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