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Old 2011-04-15, 15:20   Link #13073
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness View Post
usually, war breaks out when one side :
1)wants to go to war
2)believes that they are in a position to win (by their standards of victory).
one does not go to war when they know they have no chance of victory at all.

In the case with Hamas, their primary weapon systems when it comes to attacking is launching rockets and morters at Israeli cities, because its the only weapon they have.
they have no tanks, jets, ships, or anything else, just rockets with various degrees of range and power.

In the last flair up last week, Israel introduced a system called Iron dome.
Iron dome basically works by shooting down any rocket fired by Hamas if the system believes that it would land in a populated area.
so far, Israel only has two batteries, which can protect 2 cities, but in the next few years, Israel plans to build up to a dozen additional batteries, which would cover every city and town within rocket range.

which means, within a decade, Hamas's ONLY weapon is completely useless in battle.
and if, like i mentioned, one side knows that they have no chance of victory, because their only weapon is completely ineffective, one does not go to war.
They're already completely useless in battle though. The rockets have horrible accuracy. Iron dome only targets the ones that have a trajectory that will hit a city. The vast majority of these rockets are not intercepted, because there is no need to do so. If Hamas had rockets that could actually hit something though, it would be trivial to swamp iron dome with sheer volume of fire. Further, their rockets do cost much less than an iron dome missile after all. At about $100,000 each, assuming a 100% accuracy rate and no launch failures, intercepting just 100 Hamas rockets would cost Israel $10,000,000. Making those rockets would cost Hamas maybe $10,000, at most. Of course Hamas making rockets that can actually hit something would likely cut into that cost advantage they have over iron dome and cut down on the number they can produce. Anyway, the point is iron dome isn't a magic I win button.
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