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Old 2004-11-03, 19:38   Link #208
Join Date: Feb 2004
Protoculture - Enlightened Creator Race or Brutal Galatic Empire

As for how the Bird Human and the blood link, the Bird Human (AFOS) is actually a machine left behind by the Protoculture (fleshed out even more in SDF Macross, DYRL?, and Macross 7) to make sure that humanity was not another warlike race by the time it had grown beyond it's terrestrial cradle. The Protoculture had already created the Zentradi, the Meltrandi, and the eVil series wich became inhabited by the Protodevlin. The subsequent wars had decimated even the Protoculture's once galaxy spanning society. The Nome family, specifically, was a decended line genetically designed to pilot AFOS, and either inform the machine that humanity had evolved beyond the needless conflict of an agressive species, or activate AFOS's program to destroy humanity and start again from scratch.
Maybe it's just my love of irony, but I'm not too sure that the Protoculture is all that benevolent and peaceful. To put things another way, they leave fantastically powerful weapon lying around by developing cultures. If they don't like the way the "lesser race" developes, they nuke it. There's no moral directive in this behavior. They already had a star spanning empire and didn't want their creations rocking the boat. Comparing the weapon technology, it's like the US nuking another country because they're developing gunpowder weapons.

Not to mention that the presence of the bird human itself affected the human conflict. Without AFOS, the conflict between the UN and anti-united forces would have progressed a bit differently. Given the chance to control a super weapon that would essentially result in an automatic win, how could each side not go for it? The bird human is an escalating factor in the conflict, like a 3rd player who keeps raising the other 2 in a card game. It's not some aloof judge, it's a major factor in the human conflict simply through it's existence; like the uncertainty principle on a global level.

Additionally, AFOS is toasting more than just humans. Good job with the whole killing all humans with energy beams, when at that level of tech (where technology = magic for most intents and purposes), it could use more selective antihuman weapons (tailored germs or chemicals, nanites, etc).

Finally, the Bird-Human takes the idea of dehumanizing one's enemies to the next level. Do you really think Sara would be blithely be selecting human fighters and ships for destruction if she was aiming at people? An unwilling (or only semi-willing) pilot would kind of put a damper on the kill all humans plan. Good thing that interface only shows her inhuman monsters that play upon her religious background. Deceptive much? Furthermore, it seems a bit underhanded to play off a girl's fear, anger and gried.

To borrow the Mayan term, the Bird Human is kadun.
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