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Old 2011-04-21, 13:19   Link #1206
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Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
I just disagree with the notion that Alto was acting indecisively.That he wasn't taking a concious decision for some things isn't even a question for me, but it seems strange that everybody from outside is throwing the "indecisive" label at him, when he seems to be doing just fine. It certainly seems as if they had some preconceived notions about him, probably from the time before the series began, so that is the template they are still applying to him in the end.

In regards to the girls, there are two ways to read Altos inaction until late in the series. One can say that he cannot decide, but that seems like the false point of view to me. A much more likely scenario seems to be that he doesn't want to hurt the other girl by deciding. That he kept on doing that a bit overlong is as much a result of circumstances ( Sheryl and Alto getting serially interrupted when they had a "moment" ) as Alto keeping up his pretense to not notice the girls feelings.
That is why I said you can perform an action while still being indecisive as to why you are doing it. Alto lying to himself, running away, making up excuses, even though it still bothers him is him being indecisive. For instance Alto is asked frequently why he became a pilot in the first place, a question which he doesn't find the answer to until episode 23.

Though I tend to separate romance from Alto's actual character development, mostly because his attraction to either girls had very little to do with how he developed as a character. Both girls helped him become who he was, they helped him not only find the real sky, but also they are the reason why he finally able to be decisive. Alto didn't protect Ranka because he was in love with her, he was just way too disinterested in that area for me to say that, and a lot of Alto's interaction with Sheryl is in the off screen waiting room, where it's implied that they are spending much more time together that we the audience get to see, we don't get to really see them start to become more attracted to each other romantically. We only get to see the big scenes between Sheryl and Alto but not the little ones, we know they talk to each other a lot but we the audience don't get to see much of it. Meanwhile with Ranka the same is never implied.

However when you look at the love triangle itself, then you do have to bring up Alto's interaction with both girls, what they mean to him, and the differences in that meaning. Because Alto seems to have become attracted to Sheryl due her personality which is similar to his own, except much more honest. We very well cannot say that Alto is attracted to Ranka's personality because he has never shown an interest in her romantically enough to say this, but that doesn't make her any less important to Alto's life and development.

We also cannot say that Alto isn't responding to either girl's feelings because he is doing so with Sheryl, in his actions, even if he doesn't say it out right.
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