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Old 2011-04-22, 13:55   Link #112
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 45
Originally Posted by Nera Sleith View Post
They seem to be superexceptional at least, as of far, I haven't seen one appear in the novel. Although there are parts mentioned in the novel hinting about their strength like in v3, Kinji admitted that he won't be any match with them even if he is in Hysteria Mode. Maybe they're around the same level as Kana or more.

Cao Cao uses a rifle too, and a gas bomb (which she calls atomizer), and an UZI, and a seiryuutou, and a metal fan as weapons. She's crazy, that's a lot of weapons.

Kinji is a cheat starting v7. With Beretta on left hand and DE on right (yeah, he's the 3rd known Quadra in the series), coupled with Hysteria Mode, he's unstoppable.

By the way, can DE pierce a bulletproof vest?
Yeah, as ZeKeR said, the Desert Eagle's bullet, the .50 AE caliber, is actually bigger than the colt .45. It's one of the biggest handguns out there-- and pretty much impossible to use 1 handed. Smaller caliber guns are hard enough to be accurate with with one hand, something as big as the desert eagle will probably just break your wrist. Though, breaking through the vest also depends on the threat rating of the vest. Some vest are meant for high-caliber rounds (like SWAT armor).

Does he pick up another blade, as well? Because with just the balisong, he's more like a triple than a quadra.
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