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Old 2011-04-22, 20:11   Link #336
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: in the land down under...
Originally Posted by Used Can View Post
Finally, the battle system seems very uninteresting. So far, it seems the whole financial setting thing is just there to sound cool, rather than to actually be used in real market operations, which I think is rather sad.
Having read some of the material that has been released in magazines, I'll just say that everyone needs to think outside the box a bit more. The box being economics/the market as we typically see it.

Originally Posted by JediNight View Post
Whereas when I was on my trip in Japan I never once saw them mark a bill, and I spent at least 150,000 yen while I was there. (JP Post ATMs only dispense in 10,000yen bills as well)
You can get 1,000yen bills from them too. Oh, and in Okinawa, whilst US money could be used in many chain stores (combinis, or the equivalent of $1 shops), they didn't accept $100 bills at all.

How Suetsugu Yuki drew the cover for Chihayafuru volume 34

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from the illusion that a story must have a beginning and an end.

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