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Old 2011-04-23, 01:31   Link #1224
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Age: 48
Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
If I didn't like translating AxS, I wouldn't work on things like the above (though I do prefer to, shall we say, take away 'weapons' rather than provide more).

I just find it incredibly amusing, and somewhat hypocritical, how your reaction to 'the word of God' (and sometimes whether you accept it or not) differs depending on whether what they say supports your opinion about the series.
Well, excuse the hell out of me if I disagree with opinions raised by the writers ( the seiyuu don't even count with me, they are just employees without decision power. Their opinions are only just as valid as ours. And given how clueless they sound in about every episode commentary, probably even less. ).

There's a damn big difference between an official sourcebook which tells you flat-out that "Sheryl and Alto weren't living together" and "Yoshino calling Alto indecisive" in a way which I do not see reflected in Altos actions. Hipocrisy doesn't even enter into it. One is a newly discovered series fact, the other is how a writer thought he wrote Alto.
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