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Old 2011-04-24, 20:46   Link #2929
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Hell
Originally Posted by Kitsoru View Post
Yeah, that's last month's cover.

But yeah, Ganota appears to say (along with REI) that there's no chapter this month.. Glory might still have a chapter but they never report on that (I mean, we already know what's gonna happen..)
Well, that sucks. That was about all I had to look forward to all month And on that note, I think I need to go get a life now...

By the way, do we know any details about Relena's situation? Other than she got her brain messed with and wears a mask now? Has she just completely been left out for the past few chapters or what? I was trying to explain what had been happening in the story so far to someone, and couldn't really say anything about Relena other than they froze her and defrosted her again. I sort of thought they'd have gone in to a little more detail so far - seems like the most information we've gotten so far about a particular character is Duo. Which is all fine and well, and I know the anime series left characters out for several episodes at a time, but...kinda seems like we should know a little more about what she's up to, at this point.
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