Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2011-05-05, 00:53   Link #19882
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Originally Posted by Magin View Post
I had to open that can of worms again... my personal opinion on Outer vs. Inner- Outer is what Moka would have been had Alucard never played a factor in her young life. Inner is essentially the Shinso-influenced side of the original Moka.

But anyways, on Akasha's personal flaw- keep in mind that she thought he would be permanently sealed- she never foresaw herself having a daughter with the Shinso blood. Then when Moka did come around (only 17 years ago, mind you), Akasha dedicated herself to being a loving mother (and wife, depending on how long she had been with Issa). I doubt she had time to try to look for a way to defeat Alucard permanently. Not to mention, being given the status of Dark Lord probably meant there were very, very few youkai even more powerful than herself, Fuhai and Mikogami with the strength to take him down
No, her mistake was injecting Moka with blood. Moka was dying and needed a transfusion to survive like Tsukune did. Shinso blood isn't inherited at birth, remember?

When Moka was injected with Shinso blood, she activated it against Akua later because she tried to murder Akasha, which unintentionally woke up Alucard.

It was understandable that Akasha gave Moka some of her blood, since she was trying to save a life, just like how Moka will do the same for Tsukune later. However, Akasha also placed a burden on Moka just like Moka placed a burden on Tsukune.
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