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Old 2011-05-09, 16:21   Link #13
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
Just an idea I've had brewing in my mind for a little while.

Name: Flynn B. Porter
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Nationality: English
Occupation: Freelance Butei, Graduate of London Butei High, Often preforms commission operations for the British Secret Service MI6 but has accepted a few missions from the American CIA and Japan Defense Agency.
Division: Lezzad
Rank: B
Ancestor: Edward "Blackbeard" Teach
Inventory: Webley Mark IV, Cutlass, Flintlock pistol (unused)

Abilities: Intimidation - inherited from his bloodline, when he stares at someone he is easily able to induce fear and/or nervousness within most, allowing him to avoid much confrontation and still get the information he requires

Physical Characteristics: To compliment his ability to intimidate he has a fairly large build with a think muscular structure, but not to the point where he could be considered "ripped". He has a small black beard, short black hair and hazel eyes. His attire is composed of a black sweater with a brown sweater vest over top, blue jeans, boots and a tricorne hat. Finally, he wears a skull earring that belonged to his ancestor Blackbeard.

I still got to get his personality down but I think this should suffice.

It's stupid when I have ideas I'm never gonna use.

Last edited by SilverSyko; 2011-05-09 at 22:14.
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