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Old 2011-05-11, 18:05   Link #35
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
That said, unless you're a novel reader, it's going to be awhile before we can write anything. Which is one reason why I kept my OC profile relatively vague to allow for easy changes. Like I'm considering bumping up my OC Butei rank to 'S' since 'S' ranks are the ones that handle terrorists and major organizations.
I got around it by having them work in teams. The A-Team is named as such as together they can easily take on A Rank quests when only 2 of them (Alis and Quade) are of that rank. The Professor, who is a S-rank psychic, leads his students in quests that may/will involve going against big organizations.

I'm sure that was the whole idea why Butei students would band up to take on quests, even outside of Aria and Kinji's strange circumstances. Think of it as a dungeon quest, needing you + 4 or even 24 of your best friends. The fact that Butei specialists also have classes with students in other specialties shows that some emphasis has been given for students to continue interacting with each other, as they have to take a multidisciplinary approach to zenryu zenkai.


I can't decide who to include in the A-Team for muscles: tsundere pirate wolfgirl (not that good with muscles), or genki Ms. Hyde (1 person solves the problem, but has trouble with the moe archetypes)! Both of them will eventually appear, just in which order and frequency of appearance. Shall we have a vote? Who would you rather have?
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