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Old 2011-05-13, 12:08   Link #51
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Age: 43
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Originally Posted by aohige View Post
No, regardless of whether it makes sense for you or not, you would be making up lines instead of what's actually being said.

He DID use One Piece, the anime that comes on Sunday mornings, as an excuse to get out. He said he has to go since he gotta get up early in the morning, and don't want to miss One Piece. His friend goes dude that's day after tomorrow.
Later, Anaru tries to get out of the situation by asking him hey you don't want to miss One Piece right? To which he replies nah, that's day after tomorrow.

Japanese is my native, and I'm telling you, they ARE referring to the anime One Piece.
Originally Posted by karice67 View Post
Hm...I do find it a tad hard to believe that he managed to settle so many issues just like that (although Menma's comment about the hairpin, & the 'thank you' (through Jinta) would have helped...), but the look on his face just after he thanked Tsuruko seems to suggest that he might have stopped blaming himself for Menma's death at least...

But no one said anything about going shopping, just something like "we're off. Naruko-chan says she not feeling too well. Also, I have school early tomorrow, after all, and I want to watch One Piece too"...
Don't get me wrong, I would be the last one to doubt that did indeed were talking a bout an anime, since I am not even sure I can hear clearly enough the lines, let alone know japanese good enough to have a creditable opinion.

I am just saying that I found it strange, that's all

Originally Posted by cyth View Post
Malkuth is probably not a One Piece fan to know why this is imporant. Then again, I think the whole situation was done tongue-in-cheek.
Very true
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