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Old 2011-05-21, 09:12   Link #10544
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 34
“I have a message from a certain mercenary. He said it is something that must be told to you, Lady Villian, and to no one else.”
“What is it…?”
“He said: ‘One day, when this war is over and the world is at peace, I will return to England. I hope that, when I do, I will be able to hang my escutcheon in the corridor in Buckingham Palace where it was supposed to have been hung. I hope that I have the strength to protect my sword and the coat of arms on it and that you have the strength to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles you will face repairing Buckingham Palace’. …I suppose asking you to become a princess who is worthy of making such a vow to is that mercenary’s version of a proposal.”
Third Princess Villian’s eyes opened wide in shock, but Knight Leader had actually added in some words that William Orwell had not originally said.
(…Well, that man uses too few words. If I passed it on verbatim, it would be a little too blunt.)
Only that man who had directly received the message knew how much was the original and how much had been embellishment. Knight Leader merely stuck his tongue out slightly so Villian couldn’t see and thought.
(You know my personality well and yet you still gave me a message like that. You knew how I would pass it on, didn’t you, William?)
So, Acqua was aware of the consequences, eh?
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