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Old 2011-06-03, 05:15   Link #19
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Durandal had enough time to get away and tie Shirayuki up in chains? Amazing.

Wait a minute. They know his plan is usually to split them up and take them out one by one. So Kinji decides it's a good idea to split up?

Oh great, now Kinji's spending precious time arguing with Shirayuki. Perfect.

Hot damn, they kissed. Practical AND emotional at the same time. WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT BEFORE?!?!?!

WTF? Jeanne D'Arc?!?!?

Wait a minute that voice sounds familiar...HOLY CRAP IT'S SABER!!!

OMG, this is geting awesome now...too bad it's ruined by the fact that they show Kinji and Aira having a convo whilst I hear screams and clashes in the background. It's kind amusing in a way...

Damn Kinji, I'm wondering at what point you'll reveal those Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

Lol, talking sure is a free action for Shirayuki. She has enough time to scream and incredible long name for an attack whilst D'Arc is in the middle of hers.

OMG, what an absurb waste of ammo. DX

AHAHAHA, It's nice to see a harem lead do practical things like jump out of the window at the first sign of harem trouble. It's a refreshing take.

So yeah overall decent episode.
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