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Old 2011-06-05, 21:04   Link #131
The Last Loner
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Minnesota
Age: 40
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Originally Posted by ultimatemegax View Post
As for your list, it would easily fit in for a season. The problem is that there are the two longest stories in the series within a book of each other and that complicates episodic ordering. Thus far, they've ended each season with a novel (season 1 - Melancholy, season 2 - Disappearance) so that you have a concluding part. That would lend credence to having Intrigues finish a season. But then you have 2 stories from novel 8 that would take up 4 episodes of a Dissociation/Surprise season that would really need as much time as it could get if done like the other novel stories. It's going to be difficult to have an episode order planned for these next 6 novels (might as well count the extra stories to be another novel).
I would be even happier to wait on the stories from the eighth novel and instead get some anime only content. They could probably figure something out.
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