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Old 2011-06-20, 02:38   Link #6113
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Luxembourg
Age: 31
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Originally Posted by Ekureiru View Post
Oh joy, if this is even possible, I'd like to challenge you guys to make the following...
(I'm going to utilize it for an entirely different forum.)

Edit: 1080p Screencap of what I meant,

If anyone remembers the scene from the final episode of the first season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya where she's lying at the foot of the tree in the courtyard with Kyon. If anyone can grab that picture and alter it to make the ground/tree look like it's covered in snow with Haruhi laying there (complete with animated falling snow) that'd be amazing. Including Kyon in the image is optional. Utilizing Alternate Haruhi (from disappearance) rather than regular Haruhi would be preferred but is once again, optional.

As for the actual meat (the text) of the signature, I'd like my other online handle (Haruhi) on it alongside the following lyrics from Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol:

'If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?'

Happy sigging, as ridiculous as this signature seems, I had the idea and thought I'd be amazing if someone could successfully pull it off.

Get creative if you want, oh and forgot to mention, border would be nice. Thanks. I'd really appreciate it.

Ekureiru - An entity commonly recognized by many as being on par with gods. | MyAnimeList | Pettanko Fansubs | Now with a degree in Yanderekology.
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