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Old 2011-06-21, 11:28   Link #14308
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Age: 66
Originally Posted by Tsuyoshi View Post
One has to wonder what exactly they're trying to accomplish by intruding themselves into these companies and taking people's personal info. Are they after the corporations, or is it really a conspiracy to convince people that the government needs to have more control over the inet, if not perhaps to simply raise prices for services provided under the pretense that they will provide greater security than before? Either way, I'm not really sure this guerrilla hacking is doing anyone any good.
The *intent* I think is to get these moron "giant entities" executives to actually spend some money *on* their infrastructure and security practices and a little less lining their pockets with bonuses and payouts the company needed to run properly.

Frankly, I'm watching SONY to see if they start pulling more control and management *back* to Japan and less to "American grown" (i.e. screw the company, I'm taking the loot) management since the large part of the fiasco happened under years of infrastructure neglect in the US.

The government hits are similar with an added "there's no authority if there's no credibility" angle. The big problem is I'm not sure you want to embarrass these guys - they tend to punish without reflecting on *why* the eggs were thrown.
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