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Old 2011-06-27, 22:53   Link #11707
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Chile
Originally Posted by I_am_Kami View Post
Its not like she can just grow wings and fly like the fridge.
It can be inferred that in Index the ability to fly is somewhat special, for example birds or plane's all need to "follow the rules" in order to fly, that is; they need to take into account weight, wind resistance, gravity and all other things, like flapping their wings or burn their engines, "it's part of a logical procedure" to say something.

In Index all of the "beings" that actually have the "ability" to fly seem to be special, and this is hinted by the narrative in the novels, one can check it out simply, whenever something "big" hierarchy wise is flying the description is always something like "and he/she/it left the ground like suspended by a mysterious force, even though he has wings he hasn't moved them at all (or doesn't have wings in the first place), he leaves the ground for no apparent reason, it's like if an invisible force is making them fly". It's not a "logical" procedure at all, it's like they are flying because they want to; or better yet, because they can.

Bottom line is that, when Mikoto flies, she uses the "logical means" to achieve it, and not the actual true "supernatural ones" that big things do, so she hasn't stepped on that realm at all.

Originally Posted by Teh_Ping View Post
Also, can I send in a resignation letter after I complete this volume?
I bet that you will be reeled in again by the next time a new Index issue looks too cool to pass up, isn't that the reason the translation effort began in the first place?
あとで, ご苦労様

Totally "OT", but Chapter 2 of volume 3 is now complete.

Originally Posted by Komoe
(It’s been a month since Izanami-chan left to go train to be a baker. The calm has been nice, but that’s a long time to be alone…)
So that's how Aogami got the address
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

Last edited by Okashira; 2011-06-27 at 23:22.
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