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Old 2011-06-29, 18:44   Link #7901
Silent Warrior
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Netherlands
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
The problem is that he kept his friends and his girlfriend in the dark until the last minute. Just like when he decided to move to Tokyo, he never once thought about talking to them before making his decision. Takashi called him out on it back then. Since they never know anything until it already happens, they have to take in everything at once. Does Haruto really care about his friends?
He didn't properly know his own feelings till the end either. He just wanted to break up swift and cleanly. Does it really matter if he took the few minutes to call them up to break up? Honestly do people need updates every minute of my current mental state? That's a pretty restrictive friendship. He cares for his friends, but who he dates is his own business. Just so you know with the average friendships break ups tend to be told after it happens. When people talk to their mates about breaking up before they do it, it's because they need someone to confide in. Not to give their friends a heads up. In this case Haruto already confided in Rin.

Originally Posted by Tenchi Hou Take View Post
He was with the girl for two years. He should have at least had the decency to show her some respect and lay everything out for her. He just wanted to get out of it as quickly as possible and bang Eba. At no point did he even consider her feelings in all of this.

I wouldn't have minded if this was some short fling but a two year releationship with a girl whose been as loyal and trusting to you, to such a degree isn't someone you just ditch and move on without a second thought for her during the entire thing.
And how would that help? He knew perfectly well what his feelings where. Thus prompted to break up. How would dragging shit out help the problem. He apologized and explained why he broke up? Again what are you expecting. Break ups aren't nice period. You guys seem to hold break ups in some high standard. In my experience quick and swift break ups are for the best.
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