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Old 2011-07-04, 04:50   Link #2999
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Tiresias View Post
Yes, but they could have at least tell the Hucks to drop their weapons first? Remember that telling people to hand over their weapons for security reasons is not an alien concept here; the Three Aces were forced to let the StrikerS take care of their devices before going to that one big party. Besides, it's not like all the Hucks must go in for a business deal; I thought transactions were done by representatives. And do gun stores ever show their merchandise loaded?

And I don't see why the deal must be done at their own facility. If face-to-face is necessary, why not in a neutral location? And again. Representatives, anyone? At least if things go wrong, only a few unfortunate people bites it.

EDIT: Maybe Justin is right; something in the story necessitated it happening there, and that's something we won't know until translations pop out. I just hope it's a good reason.
Again, they're a company, not a government, army or police. And one that sells weapons at that. Trust is important in business. Doing business at a facility of the producing company is as common as dirt. As a thriving company, they've done millions of deals like this. And as an arms company very likely to worse scum than the Hucks too.

Hindsight is fun, but again, if nothing had gone wrong we wouldn't so much as peeped.
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