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Old 2011-07-08, 03:57   Link #209
Guardian Enzo
Seishu's Ace
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Kobe, Japan
Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
Madoka Magika . Though to be fair, it was a much safer bet to make considering the staff working on the project were already working recently, so I could make an educated bet on what we would've expected.
I thought of Madoka Magica too, in the sense of this being a show of big talents that could take on a quasi-religious following. But the more I thought of it the less I think it holds, not just for the reasons that you suggest but because MM was a true melding of several giants in the industry. MPD does have Lily Hoshino's character designs but really, this is a one-man show. It's Ikuhara's mad vision and it's on him whether it succeeds or crashes like a meteor with all the fires of hell.

I think Blood-C is actually a closer comparison to MM in some ways. Some big hitters in the industry trying to meld styles that don't immediately seem 100% compatible.
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