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Old 2011-07-12, 12:34   Link #17
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Ulquiorra View Post
To be honest, does it change anything? Gaara had already overcome that and became a good person without this information. His mother's love doesn't really change his development. So what was the point?

The cake was already fine. No reason for Kishimoto to make it even sweeter with globs of gooey frosting. I liked Gaara's tragic story before.
So you need a reason? Seriously? Sure, he's already became a good person, but no one is ever truly over a trauma, especially as something as major as what Gaara went through. It's a mental and emotional relief, it's something anyone would appreciate. I could understand though that if you don't care, but don't dumb it down for your own personal preference.
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