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Old 2011-07-14, 12:01   Link #14812
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Age: 39
Originally Posted by ganbaru View Post
That't the mayor point here, the supreme court will have to say if it pass on a constitutional point.
But there's one point; some of this law's supporters are menassing to change the way the supreme court's juge are selected if the juges found the law inconstitiuonal.
its basically a "right wing" vs "left wing" internal conflict.
for over a decade now, you have a situation in Israel where the political left grows weaker and the right grows stronger (I.E, more people vote right then left) while at the same time, institutions that are normally associated with left wing world views (namely, the press, artists and the supreme court) are becoming more open about their left leaning tendencies.
the more the left becomes a vocal minority, the more "vocal" it becomes, and i suspect that part of the idea behind the law was just an attempt by the right wing to flex their muscles.

basically, passing such a law, not out of an actual belief that such a law will actually enter into effect, but rather to show that they CAN pass such a law, as a way of showing dominance in the Knesset (Israeli parliament).

like i said, stupid and pointless.
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