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Old 2011-07-17, 11:52   Link #8411
Natsuki Hyuga
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Originally Posted by Yumii-chan View Post
Anyone know where this bishie is from?
Quattro Bajeena from Gundam Z.

(No you BL-phobic people who saw NO HOTLINKING sign, it's just a screen for one of his epic line! )

Originally Posted by SwiftAsLeaves View Post
Title:???? (Searching for it)
Author:????(also the same)
Link to manga:????(Obviously im searching for it)
i'm currently searching entire manga directory and other manga site too
and i doesnt remember the manga title
i only know that this manga
there's a protagonist ( male ) that have some special power that more than other special power user BUT not realizing it
the story is the organization get close to this protagonist guy then its begin the story where he make ppl arround him (organization) and his partner (organization send him a "friend") to surprise b'coz he can use telekinesis and other special power and even use "bend time and space"TELEPORT" to save someone that had (bullied by other or almost got traffic accident)<--- i have forgotten a little for the story, i remember how great in that manga if sumone could use teleportation easily but he's no sweat and actually doesn't know what it's mean by that any he could do

i only remember the manga title is short like 3-6 maybe 7 words and i remember its title use all capital words
actually i suspect ES or RED or LEVEL E (b'coz im suspecting the capital title)but after i read it few chapter it is different
i only ever read vol 1 of those manga and i explained the vol 1 content in big picture up there
please is there someone could help me find what is this manga
i really looking for it
maybe someone outhere has so much more knowledge in manga could help me or some MANGAGOD? so please
the protagonis hairstyle is like inquiry 817's picture and its male and black hair too
i think i remember when the organization doing an action they will wear black-with long tie formal suit similar to mafia's
... This is definitely not gonna be right, as to the second part of the description but I suppose it's Nanaki...? This kind of plot is actually pretty common in ESP-filled works, by the way so is there any other special description...? :x

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