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Old 2011-07-18, 21:08   Link #109
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Captain Commando View Post
I guess I should have put up a disclaimer for you. I have no idea what goes on in Kishimoto's place of business or the internal workings of his Naruto franchise; perhaps you have such knowledge.
Well I can tell you right now that Naruto's decline in quality is not because of imaginary manga bureaucrats, because I know enough that that's not how the manga industry works.
I'm only stating an opinion based off of what I see from reading the manga, as I stated above. I never even tried to state I know how the manga industry works, since I made guesses(I actually stated *might be* red tape, etc) about why the manga seems to be the way it is.
What you call an opinion, I call a completely baseless assumption. You saw a problem, of which you have almost no knowledge of, and speculated that something that doesn't even exist was the cause. It's basically the equivalent of saying, "Hey my sink is clogged up. Must be because there's a boa constrictor crawling around in the pipes."
It would be interesting to know though, why its impossible for an author to have to tweak a story (even if its a clumsy tweak) because of adverse(or whatever) reactions from fans, which can potentially effect sales. I guess you're knowledgeable about the subject, perhaps you can shed some light on that for me? I'd appreciate it. If this is really what he wanted to put forward, then I'd agree his writing skills have probably diminished from previous years, or he is just not currently in "his element" for whatever reason.
It's certainly possible, and usually logical, for writers to tweak their stories when their series' fall in the polls, but what reason does Kishi have to tweak it? Where are these adverse fan reactions? He still comes in the top 5 every week and the volumes still sell extremely well.
I want to believe though, that these less than stellar developments aren't completely his fault.
I hate to ruin this golden idol image you have in your head of Kishi, but any and all developments of a story are at least 95% the fault of the author. So yes, it is pretty much entirely his fault.
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