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Old 2011-07-22, 21:31   Link #111
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Originally Posted by creb View Post
Let's keep in mind how difficult it must be to come up with the rules of time travel and fate when the typical person does not remember the timeline prior to whatever experimentation you did that might have changed your timeline. My head hurts even attempting to run the experiments one would do in order to find these rules if I wasn't Okabe.

Ergo, while this is probably not something we're supposed to overthink, it's possible Suzahu's knowledge of time travel is not absolute.

Though, we could also get philosophical and say the question of when is true for everyone on the planet in regards to death, and thus meaningless. Obviously Mayuri has to die at some point. We all do. All that's important is that she didn't die at that particular moment in time.
I do recall, though, Suzuha saying that unless the timelines crossed the 1% divergence barrier, the future couldn't be saved; so at the very least, if not Mayuri, nothing has been changed enough to prevent the dystopia future where SERN rules.
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