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Old 2011-07-24, 09:56   Link #2
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida
HSI 17 - Somewhere in Time

Jiromaru, getting a script done is a noteworthy achievement. But getting it done on time is another thing. (I wouldn't mind reading it, though. There's gotta be some interesting and sexy concepts in there.)

Authorship issues aside, it figures that the director and the movie were a scam. But, ultimately, things are still looking up. Enishi's become somewhat more self-confident, Kissuiso has a pool, and even Yuina was able to show the others that she still got some fun experiences out of it. They may have lost money, but they can get it back together. Minko's "really?" expression during the pool scene was great as well.

Nako episode next week - yay!
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