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Old 2011-07-24, 20:34   Link #27
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Holy fucking shit this episode was patronizing.

Can someone on their production committee honestly tell me with a straight face that is quality entertainment? This is awful.

Oh hey, we had an opportunity to make Enishi's quest to try and better the inn provide solid character development! Nah dawg, we couldn't possibly develop a male character in this anime could we? Shit, so how we do we avert this crisis?

OH I KNOWZ, I HAZ A PLAN. Lets scrap everything that happened in the previous episode and make the characters look ridiculously stupid at the same time! YAY!!!!

I seriously would love to know why the fucknig hell PA works doesn't use the director for the first episode to do the entire series because clearly these other idiots don't know what they are doing.

So apparently Hanasaku Iroha can only be entertaining when it focuses on Ohana. Great. This anime has one character truly worth caring about.

This episode is trash. This series is slowly degrading into trash.

1/10 for the episode, I am planning on a 6/10 for the series. It's just not good. I don't look forward to its episodes anymore. I was bored as hell this episode.

Is this really what PA works has to offer? I don't think I'm watching another one of their animes ever again unless I really hear good things about it. Besides True Tears, they've pretty much been a garbage studio. GG.
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