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Old 2011-07-31, 20:00   Link #15308
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
There was no outcry because Bush was a Republican (this is not fully true, there was an outcry, but the media didn’t cover it. It was only after Obama was elected that the pre-existing outcry was co-op’d by business organizations and conservative commentators like Fox News that turned the initial outcry into the current mess that we all know). Realistically, it is only because Obama is a Democrat that the more conservative leaning citizens decided to finally start protesting (8+ years too late).
Aye, you had to go way off mainstream to find any critical analysis... and then that was the LEFT and PROGRESSIVE spectrum where the question: "Why are the Bush wars being kept off the budget books?" "Why are we not raising taxes to cover the wars when every civilization in history including the US raised taxes to fight wars?"

From the so-called "right" (or neocon world) all we got was "Shut up and get in lockstep with Bush, you must be against us". The sort of thing that people like Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon, and even a bit of Reagan and Bob Dole would have dreaded the implications of.

Whatever grassroots merits the Tea Party may have had was hijacked by plutocrats funneling money into it and the swirling way the other skeletons in the closet (racism, fascist thuggery, social retrogressives, etc) jumped on board as well.
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