Thread: Licensed Highschool of the Dead
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Old 2011-08-01, 05:56   Link #5247
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Originally Posted by gringe View Post
A lot of people I've seen in English-speaking communities seem to have misplaced expectations of the series, so there's a lot of straight-up hate for Triage X from people who think the artist abandoned HotD for it--which isn't true, since it's the WRITER of HotD that's the problem... And on the same token, the "intellectual" types who dislike fanservice as a rule and think HotD had a smarter plot don't like the more blatant ecchi scenes Triage X has in spades. Basically, it seems like a lot of people don't want to give it a chance.

Personally, I think its pacing is a lot more consistent than HotD's, and while it's a bit silly and over-the-top, I find it a lot of fun to read in the same way that silly B-movies are fun to watch. Triage X is still in its early stages so even though the volumes of the series have sold quite well in Japan, I think readers just don't have a lot to talk about just yet. It actually ran into some publication issues thanks to HotD's short-lived return, but it's running very consistently for the time being and I hope it keeps the current pace for a long time. It succeeds at what it does and I think it has a lot of potential.

TL;DR - Triage X is awesome. Haters gonna hate.
That's not really fair to hold Shoji Sato responsible just because Daisuke isn't writing. The man has to work. Yeah, I like HOTD more, and I want to see how it's going to end. I also enjoy Triage X. It has some pretty cool action. Like that scene were Yuko sliced that car in half with that guy in it.
I wish the editors would put a little pressure on them to finish it up. The same thing is happening with Black Lagoon, but that's all on Rei Hiroe, since he's the artist and writer.

It has a lot of naked breasts, but that's fine. It's a mature series anyways. You don' t see many manga that have the secret identity issue. I also like that more of this cast are in their twenties. Makes all the nudity feel less creepy.

I've been working all week on Anime Vice to fill out the wiki pages for Triage X. I even wrote detailed summaries for the first two volumes. Though, I do still need to go through and proofread those. I also have been filling out the profiles. for many of the characters.
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