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Old 2011-08-07, 22:44   Link #36
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post
It's just an observation of mine that whenever it was time for people to judge the show, True Tears is always used as a static basis of comparison when other basis could also be used.
I'm not one of the people constantly comparing this anime to True Tears for a comparison but there is legitimacy to people using True Tears as a base of comparison, like or dislike Hana Iro.

For one thing, not only is the writer the same, but the studio is the same. As viewers who may be familiar with this studio's past work, there is a certain level of expectation that comes with that. This includes a well told story, likable and developed character, and more. True Tears and Hana Iro, even if they are very different thematically, are both character centric stories about normal life.

To expect some basis of equal or better quality on these aspects, which have little to nothing to do with the kind of story being told, with a previous work of the studio is perfectly legitimate IMO.

No it doesn't have to be the next love triangle drama story with pretty visuals, but it better carry the same level of quality and detail that its predecessor had. Otherwise there is bound to be disappointment.
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