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Old 2011-08-09, 22:43   Link #76
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Originally Posted by yuzen003 View Post
In this timeline Moeka hasn't met the lab members, she only has a text from a Moeka from another timeline. This Moeka cannot sell out someone she has not and would not meet. She steals from the shrine if anything as it's sitting in a storehouse when she takes it, so yeah legally she commited a crime but that's not why Okabe is punching her. Okabe's not in the wrong because he is working to prevent a dystopia, but it's not like she would have any idea what crime she committed since she did not and in the current timeline cannot commit that crime.
The point is, Mayuri ends up dying in all these time lines precisely because of Moeka's actions with SERN. She is destined to death precisely because of her killing her on that day. Whether she knows about it or not in this timeline, her actions have already put them in the situation they are in.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
Also, Okabe's situation is an unique one, in that with each step he takes, there's no turning back. Stopping now would actually mean that Feyris' father died in vain, for example. So Okabe really has no choice but to keep pressing onward, and that's interesting, because there's not too many narratives that can convincingly setup a situation like that, but Steins;Gate has.

Okabe is certainly carrying a lot of emotional weight with all this. I fear he'll even have to make tougher decisions soon enough.
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