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Old 2011-08-18, 20:36   Link #71
Test Drive
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Age: 33
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Originally Posted by nines View Post
Hmm if Okabe didn't remember about Makise dieing in the Alpha line why would he bring up the subject to Makise and then forget about it a few hours later. It seems as if his reaction to it was that he didn't tell her and that how they played it out that Makise knew she was going to die. Could she of had like what Feyris and Trap-san had and remembered a previous world line?
Kurisu doesn't know she's going to die. In the timeline where she met Okabe, she met him when he was telling her he had just seen her stabbed and dead, and then he proceeded to grab onto her to make sure she actually existed. So Kurisu doesn't know she's going to die, she's just joking about something Okabe claimed when they first met, which caused him to remember it.
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