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Old 2011-08-24, 20:07   Link #13629
Hiro Hayase
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: United States
Spoiler for Railgun SS:

This line really does make one wonder such a scenario. So it's a general consensus for all of us that the higher tier espers like level 5 were very recently. All of us here can agree on this point, no?

I wouldn't put it past Aleister if he's secretly developing anti-esper weaponry that could potentially nullify their abilities based on observing Touma's Imagine breaker or another method that cancels AIM based powers. It's already confirmed that Full-Tuning and other Misaka WORST are yet to be unveiled.

I can understand if Accelerator was the very first lever 5 discovered since many of Academy City's esper ability enhancement projects use him as the base like the Dark May Project.

Although Academy City is self-sufficient in many areas, it still needs to bring in raw materials from the outside.
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