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Old 2011-09-02, 19:17   Link #1040
Some say I'm the Reverse
Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by DarkJak2050 View Post

Alright, I'm having a bit of an issue here. It's how I should write my fanfic, should I write in in 1st person view or 3rd person?

If write it in 1st person view, I'm thinking of doing it through Eric's perspective and switching to Eddie, Brian and Clayton once every now and then.

I'd appreciate the help guys.
- What do you want to do? I mean, first person perspective works if you want to show:
- internal thoughts of a particular character
- A limited view of the story through a character's eyes (doesn't know what's really going on--can be horrifying or funny if you know the actual story going on)
- An unreliable narrator (biased - EG someone from Texas making fun of everyone not from Texas)
- More personal impact

- Allows you to tell more story views and the like, but is not as personal.
- Easier to portray different situations going on
- Characterization of different characters is either a strength or a weakness. You have to be able to understand and know your characters from a third-person view, and most authors end up makign one- or two-dimensional characters because they can't portray them well
- Problem: Some people may spend too much time describing the situation that they miss the story entirely (Tom Clancy is especially guilty of this in his novels)
- Problem: Unlike first-person, it's more obvious when the author is being biased--you can accept one person being biased, but not many different people (Again, Tom Clancy)

My own personal bias is that I don't like having to shift between viewpoints unless it's done smoothly. Oftentimes it won't be a smooth transition.
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