Thread: Licensed Usagi Drop
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Old 2011-09-16, 07:22   Link #666
Japanese Culture Fan
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Planet Earth
Age: 33
To the MODS: What the heck is 'romance' doing in the tags? It should be replaced with 'slice of life'.

I really have nothing but praise for Usagi Drop. This is one of the best slice-of-life anime out there. It's sweet, it's cute, it's down-to-earth, and best of all, it's not boring!

For me, this anime was actually educational with the way it displayed the trails and obstacles that parents face when raising a child. I've been told many times by my parents how much they sacrificed in their life for me but unfortunately, it never really registered in me until I watched Usagi Drop. This anime helped show me how having children completely transforms you life and turns it upside down, arguably for the better. I still don't have any plans for having children, but I appreciate this anime's insights on the topic.

It's also nice how this anime stuck to its strengths and didn't blow up a big drama bomb near the end. While it would have been interesting for Rin to meet her mother, perhaps it was better this way seeing how well she is living with Daikichi.

And I'm so glad Production IG animated this! Their work on Usagi Drop was fantastic, especially with the colors.

8/10. Highly recommended to all slice-of-life fans, and just about anyone here above 30.

By the way, Japan needs more entertainment like this. It might inspire them to have more children and thus improve the economy.
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