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Old 2011-09-17, 08:49   Link #12
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Hen-Tie pen
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
Because you pick someone who sort of looks like the historical figure, is available for the project, and can act? I doubt anyone in Burma would have been up for the job since they'd be targets of the government afterward.

Morgan Freeman played Nelson Mandella in a film not long ago... he's certainly not from the African continent.
Perhaps you need to know why I surprised to see someone in my country to play as her. First Malaysian people are supporters of junta government because they are anti-American, much like North Korea and Iran. These countries, at least to the Malaysians, have balls to stand against "the Great Devils" aka United States and Israel.

You know the late Osama? When he announced dead, Malaysian people gather in their mosques and have special prayers just for him, much like Osama is their messiah for them. Ironically they don't give shit about 4 Malaysian that died in 9/11 and one in Mumbai 2008 attack because Malaysians sympathize the terrorists more and wants to join them but fortunately there is a political barrier.

About the movie itself, its clear that Michelle Yeoh is not one of those Malaysians that I mentioned but I suspect that 90% chances of this movie never make its way to Malaysia in order to maintain good relationship with Myanmar junta government.

About Michelle Yeoh herself, she already get "Datuk" title(much like "Sir" for the Brits) just like their media darling Datuk Siti Nurhaliza(a singer).
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