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Old 2011-09-17, 19:07   Link #2043
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Originally Posted by Westlo View Post
If a movie cost 300 million to make, was a critical hit but only sold 50 million worth of tickets than it's called a failure. GSD is far from a failure, it's the 3rd best selling tv since Evangelion.

Better titles for this thread would be....

Why is GSD so mediocre, Why did GSD not live up to its potential and lastly, Why is GSD Crap? The quality of the show is subjective but as an animation project it was a massive success in doing what it was meant to do.. sell a fuckton.
You missed my point... i wasn't suggesting GSD failed financially, in fact i even said it didn't, Given the FACT when this thread was released GSD is already climbing to a financial success. So arguing GSD FAILED on the financial aspect is pure idiocy. Posters who dislikes the show are already aware of GSD financial success. So now logically what is left after you remove the financial status you have posters given their own personal take why they think GSD failed... like expectations etc
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