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Old 2011-09-27, 22:49   Link #1187
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
If heimer is not alone bot in dominion, he's already a bad heimer. Heimer is so good defending bot that he can solo vs 3 people diving him under his tower if he has zhonya/garrison up. Heck, I held THE ENEMY bot turret for a good 3 minutes before having to bluepill because of no health.

And jesus, the poke damage. Rockets is SO much better in dominion when there are that much less minions to hit. Not to mention it's a breeze hitting the CDR cap (important for casters in dominion) due to his passive via ult, allowing him to seige the enemy bot.

IMO, strongest champ in dominion. Ninja Rammus can be easily countered by movespeed whores like Janna or Zilean, Akali gets hardcountered by the dominion only anti-stealth items, while physical damage dealers needs to deal with thornmail.

But Heimer? His natural counter to camping his turret is to try and get the enemy mid turret (which is generally the hardest to take due to the sheer distance from your base), or longer range poke casters like Lux (which get massacred by those with gap closers, which are far too common in dominion), or trying to lure him out to capture your turret then gank him outside of his turret nest (good luck with that if he packs flash or even worse, CV). All of which are incredibly hard to do, in comparison to counters of the other more popular champs.

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