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Old 2011-10-01, 10:30   Link #121
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Originally Posted by Nosauz View Post
Even in the medieval setting war is taxing, further taxing of the population to fund wars is evident in the crusades, the 100 years war, etc, even in feudal society war could only prolong the inevitable, if we look at Alexander and Rome, it's obvious that the natural order of things is for them to end, so to imply that the world is better with this arbitrary and artificial war is ridiculous, if history has taught us anything is that war is a burden, and that resources that are necessity for a successful and prosperous society are lost during times of war due to the pressing matters of war.
I didn't read it as saying the world is not eating up resources or that war is not a burden, but that it has had a overall positive effect. The human and demon worlds were fractured into seperate and opposed states and the ongoing war has created a reason for them to unify. Rome was a single nation and already understood many of the benefits of trade, many of their wars were civil which only wastes resources but their external wars brought in additional territory and opened new trade routes. The wars eventually changed the social structure of the nation as the small farmers who had originally formed the core Roman armies were kept away from home for extended periods of time (thus being unable to breed heirs) but the external wars frequently increased the wealth and resources of the nation. Alexander's campaigns increased the size, wealth and power of Macedon, the economic benefit to Macedon was enormous. The 100 years war was a civil war, so no matter which side won no new resources would have been added and existing resources would have been consumed.

The crusades are the best parallel because it unified the many rival European states, but the Mongolian conquests of Genghis Khan were another good example given Genghis had to unify the feuding Mongolian tribes. The nation was at war on multiple fronts for an extended period of time in China, Central-Asia, Korea, the Middle-East, Russia and Europe; but they enjoyed greater prosperity and generated increased trade and economic prosperity in the territories they controlled as a result of their wars.

They acknowledged war consumes resources, but in the current conditions of the world the story is set in it has had a net positive effect. Given more time that would likely shift to a negative effect, but considering the demon queen possesses advanced knowledge/technology it might have had a lasting positive effect similar to the Yuan dynasty of China.
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