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Old 2011-10-02, 07:58   Link #126
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by TrueKnight View Post
I wouldn’t actually call what happen in this series reflect what actually happens in medieval times. This series just made it convinient so that potato or whatever could be actually be considered as miraculous ingredient.
Just the opposite. The potato WAS a miracle ingredient that was the main reason for the population boom in Europe in the 19th century, since it massively boosted the local food output. What the story changes is that it's pushed back into what looks like a late middle age setting. For example, alot of the rise of Prussia can be attributed to the fact that cultivation of the potato was strongly encouraged. The advanced 4-step turnip crop rotation was from the 18th century.

So, what the story is doing is trying to maintain the late-medieval fantasy setting and trying to explain the effects which advanced agriculture techniques had in Europe starting in the 18th century. Which is necessary, because in that time, the story-breaking use of firearms became more and more prevalent.
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