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Old 2011-10-10, 09:53   Link #1047
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Ohayo
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^ You obviously haven't played Fear 3,Assassins creed Brotherhood or Resident evil 5. When you add multiplayer to a series that was overall a single player experience things tend to change for the worse.

However In resident evil 5's defense it wasn't AS BAD, it was still somewhat enjoyable but as a result of multiplayer and co-op the overall quality was quite lower than the prequels.

Assassins Creed brotherhood was fine since it was more or less just a DLC expansion in the form of a new game, plus the multiplayer wasn't too bad, but it doesn't change the fact that the quality of the single player was less than before.

Fear 3 was the biggest offense....Although as a first person shooter multiplayer is to be expected. However with the addition of co-op the campaign was extremely short(4 stages I believe), it was easy as hell even on the harder difficulties, and the Ai was just retarded.....

I pray that in order to balance this risky decision E.A has like maybe 3 discs or 4 discs. One for multiplayer and 3 for the campaign.
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Last edited by DingoEnderZOE2; 2011-10-10 at 10:12.
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