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Old 2011-10-11, 06:48   Link #55
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: in the land down under...
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Welcome back, Tak!

Originally Posted by Tak View Post
On a more serious note, I've always wanted them to do something about Zentradi's integration into human society. As most of us should be aware, the Zentradi at the end of Space War I, literally outnumbered humanity by a factor of hundreds, if not thousands to one. We've learned some of the difficulties involving co-existence, but how they were able to reshape UNSPACY post-Space War I was not explored.

I am certainly all for them doing a prequel. If it should involve other Zentradi fleets, hey... all the better.

- Tak
Now that's something I wouldn't mind seeing either ^^

I'd also like it if the romance took a back seat this time (or maybe, that it have an obvious outcome like Zero), but I'd wager that's not going to happen...

How Suetsugu Yuki drew the cover for Chihayafuru volume 34

Interview translations etc

You must free yourself from that illusion,
from the illusion that a story must have a beginning and an end.

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- Patrick Stokes

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