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Old 2011-10-16, 23:18   Link #418
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ニュー・オーリンズ、LA
Finally saw the first episode and wasn't extremely impressed...The feel of the show is just so devoid of grit it just softens you're palate entirely too much IMO...Again, being someone who loves Turn A Gundam I'll be the first one to defend the character design choices in that show as they played well with the overall gritty disposition of that animated world...In Gundam AGE's case this world is so reminiscent of the smooth, digitally-pleasing shonen "game" programs that when it does ratch it up you can't help but be distracted by some of this...

The Genoace battle was a perfect example of this as the dire intensity of the moment was loss to me because of the goofyness of the characters...The redhead pilot in particular...Additionally I think the thing I'm gonna struggle with most is the cockpit shots...I can't take Flit in his cockpit outfit seriously...It looks so cartooney, but I'm gonna try to accept it...

Overall I did enjoy the setting and make-up of the world...It's always nice to see those authentic singular spinning colonies...Those weird alen-shadowcat suits also had a very cool effect where the emit a glossy purple glow on thrust movements...I recall commenting a few times on how cool that looked...

The plot, while Gundam enuff (kid hops in a Gundam and start kicking a$$), I find Setsuna vs. Sgt Pedo Bear, Kira vs. Miguel, and The druggy Gundamjack of GSD all much more memorable "intro-legendary-Gundam" scenes...

So I'm gonna stick with it obviously because Bandai has a way of making you watch their shows^^...And I do see some potential in the area of pure combat (I think we might witness a supreme downgrade in spam, which is great)...But based on this first episode my initial fears haven't been calmed much...

One thing confused me though: The Gundam was named Gundam because the old portrait had a Gundam in it?
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