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Old 2011-10-17, 07:17   Link #34
Maes Hughes
~Nyan Nyan~
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: UK
Age: 35
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Still not getting my head around the whole grandma thing. Why is marrying a playboy rich doctor she has no feelings for vital to the happiness of her senile nan? She's an adult woman who's had a stable, well-paying job for a number of years... surely she can cover the expenses of her nan on her own?

I've only read the first volume of Cupid, so my knowledge of that is limited, but there's a key difference between the supernatual problems in that and Kono: Cupid's issue is far more serious and problematic than having women accidently lust after the lead, after seeing his naked arse. For a young man, the threat of only being able to act like a man for five more times would ruin his life. The same isn't true when it comes to the risk of accidently instigating gang-rape sessions with a crowd of overly horny women. If anything, that's a positive ability to have for a hot-blooded guy!

My point? Cupid's "Rainbow Balls" issue had to be dealt with for it to end happily. The same isn't true of Rin's arse seduction method. I mean, how many women can he expect will see his naked arse, aside from his future beloved? One his waifu sees his bum and goes lust-crazy once, all would be well.

Until Makoto saw Rin's arse, there wasn't anything between the two other than friendship--nothing whatsoever. Neither party had any sexual interest in the other, resulting in zero sexual tension, and Makoto even stated that Rin's weak-minded personality was a turn-off for her--as well as later confirming, post-arsing, that she only wanted to do it with him once and didn't see him as a man--STILL.

I said the length of the series would need to double for a satisfying RinxMakoto ending because, up to yet, it's been ALL Rin>>>Chizuru. Some serious groundwork needs to be put in place for any other decent ending. Up to yet, it would appear that the author only had Makoto be arse'd for comic relief (/wetting her panties and orgasming when around Rin, with him unaware) and to have more chances to draw her in erotic situations. It doesn't strike me that he's planning on having her fall for him, after having sex once.

...Is Takako the lesbian? If so, her part in the story is already over, as far as Rin is concerned. She's now only around to talk with Makoto and occasionally 'ease her suffering' through lesbian activity. Once Rin discovered that she was playing him, she went bye-bye as far as the main plot went.

If the author is going to end the series with either the ninth (possible, since c80 isn't the final chapter of v8) or tenth volumes as I believe, there are only two things that really need dealing with... and he could very well avoid covering them. The first is Makoto's lust (he might just leave her suffer, for comedy purposes) and the second is Chizuru's wedding, which he may not feel the need to show. All I can say is that, if I were a betting man, I'd put money on this sinister rich dick NTR business being the endgame drama.

It seems you're more in the Makoto camp than Chizuru, and that's fair enough--even I like her personality. The thing is, unless the author is intent on fucking with the readers, 99% of the time it's obvious who the leads woman in a romance is going to be.

I haven't read much of Cupid, as mentioned before, but I got the distinct impression that the childhood friend would be the lead's choice, come the end. Why? Because the lead cummed on her face (/first intimate moment with a female) and he got with the long-haired rival at the start. I've read enough romance manga to know how it goes with first kiss/cum girls + early relationships.

In the case of Kono, Chizuru took Rin's first kiss, he remained a virgin for her for 22+ years and has only ever loved her. She's only ever loved him, in return. Throw-in the amount of foreplay/teasing without penetration, compared to the other girls, and his love rival having quickly turned into some kind of pantomime villain and I just cannot see anything other than a RinxChizuru ending. ONLY the main girl in a romance is allowed to mess around the lead as much as Chuzuru has.

...I'll end by saying this: if Rin doesn't white knight rich dick and he takes Chizuru's virginity/marries her, I'm dropping this with a score of 1/10. Seriously. I'm fine with the author not going with the obvious pairing but having the villain steal the woman from the lead of a romance is too far into trolling territory for me to handle.

I was ok with Chizuru inexplicably being set to marry a man she hasn't slept with and doesn't like, back when Kono was nearly all lighthearted goodness + sex. Now, though? I'm not liking how a 30-year-old woman is acting like an indecisve slut without a will of her own. My rage meter is currently high.

/end rambling
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