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Old 2011-10-19, 05:15   Link #20
Nishikino Maki (* ̄▽ ̄*)
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: I shall reveal it to you.
Yeah, modernizing the characters is the right choice. I say this because if you were to go with their original designs, it would more than likely offend some people.

Most of the animation if not all of it was cell shaded too. There's nothing about it that looks "cheap" to me.

The CG is fine. I think it threw some people off at the end of the trailer when they purposely slowed down the 3d camera on the panning sequence for the closeups of 003 and 009.

They did this in order to get the right timing for the music to build up so it would impact the next shot of them in their battle suits.

When you look at the trailer again, you can see that when it came to the other character's there wasn't a blatant lag on their movements...everything seems to move fluently.

For example, look at Jet Link's running sequence to's a beautiful thing. Anyways, I can't wait to see what Kamiyama is gonna add to it.
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