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Old 2011-10-22, 07:14   Link #1024
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Westlo View Post
Street = warehouse?
Vial = girl?

Not disagreeing on the similarities but you don't exactly put forward a compelling case...
You're just nitpicking the details.

The scenario/formula is pretty much the same no matter how you look at it: boy meets super-girl, get super power, is now destined to "lead". It smells of copy/paste all over; similar to the problem harem usually have. It's different each time but same formula as far as the main plotline is concerned; and the problem is the main plotline is what's going to define it. They've already set everything up CG style with 1-man pincer movements and really flashy one-shot strategies with (stupidly) "precise" impossible-planning. It's like a spiritual successor to CG. Hell even the name GC is similar. We're now just moved into the CG school setting. How long before we get the "use power to hide identity" or "rebels are powerless with out you" I wonder.

The antagonist follow pretty much the same principles too. Instead of a crap-ton of field commanders you got 1-man leader person along with some Elites which pretty much make or break them. Needless to say the rebels are pretty similar too. 1 leader, with an extra support leader and everyone one else reduced to either peons, fodder or in this case fanservice.

That said Lelouch was a much more likable character. It's like we have Suzaku as main this time. Britania was also a much more likable antagonist, just because it was so wack and funny.
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