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Old 2011-10-23, 19:24   Link #25287
Dea ex Kakera
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Sea of Fragments
Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post
Red is useless bullshit you can lie in, then, got it.


If they can return from being dead, they're not actually dead. By redefining Shannon and Kanon, their deaths are defined into an ephemeral, abstract, ultimately temporary and meaningless state. It becomes misdirection of the highest sort of which Battler doesn't benefit.


And the LARGER point of Umineko is being able to trust the author. Which the "dead" issue runs COUNTER to. Ryukishi betrayed our trust and broke his own rules.
Where exactly is the promise that "trusting the author" means that they must have exactly the same worldview as you do? Trust is about believing that the author is trying in good faith to communicate with you, it's not a guarantee that you'll automatically start out understanding them or even that they'll communicate in a clear and straightforward manner. The author might have a good reason to be roundabout while still wanting you to understand.

And another thing... This idea came up in the story as well, but just because your notion of death is the popular opinion, why exactly does that invalidate Beatrice's position? You understand that your belief is also subjective, right?
"Something has fallen on us that falls very seldom on men; perhaps the worst thing that can fall on them. We have found the truth; and the truth makes no sense."
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