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Old 2011-10-23, 23:16   Link #8921
Ricky Controversy
Frandle & Nightbag
Join Date: Oct 2009
Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
I am saying that Asuka, however good of a person she is, is not qualified Haruto's girlfriend at all because it will take someone who will try to have enough of a relationship for two people. She would be the better girlfriend in the case of a normal guy, but she is definitely not the better girlfriend in this series.
You're operating under the assumption that matching up with someone's status quo is what makes them a good partner for someone. Some similarities of lifestyle do make things easier, but 'easier' isn't exactly the metric for 'better' either.

A good relationship should help you in finding happiness not just with your partner, but individually, which means spurring you to improve yourself. Asuka was dating well beneath her class when she was with Haruto, certainly, but by being who she is, she challenged him, and motivated him to give some form and substance to his life, which was previously just a bunch of melodramatic tomfoolery in pursuit of Eba.

Eba, on the other hand, has only ever given him cause for the aforementioned melodramatic tomfoolery. He completely neglects the pursuit of a life of his own because being with her, he knows he'd never need to do so. Eba is his dream girl in that she allows him to remain complacent and aimless, and not really requiring a lot of effort from him. But will he grow as a person? No.

If you think of the relationship existing in a vacuum...well, perhaps that doesn't matter, but the simple fact is that life is a tangled mess of every little thing interacting at once, and when something comes up that Eba being a little whimsical can't fix, they're going to fold, because Haruto is a weak man. He showed more independence in his initial relationship with Asuka than he ever did in any situation involving Eba.
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